OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition SDK Help

ClosedLineString3d Properties


Area Gets the area of the closed element.
EndPoint Gets the end point of the element. (Inherited from LinearElement)
IsClockWise Gets whether the closed line string is clockwise
IsClosed Gets wehether the element is Closed. (Inherited from LinearElement)
Length Gets 2D length of linear element. (Inherited from LinearElement)
ParameterDifference Gets the difference between start and end parameter. (Inherited from LinearElement)
PlanDefinition Gets the plan definition of the element (Inherited from ProfiledElement)
ProfileDefinition Gets the profile defintion of the element (Inherited from ProfiledElement)
Range Gets the range of the element. (Inherited from LinearElement)
StartPoint Gets the start point of the element. (Inherited from LinearElement)
TagInComplex Gets the unique tag in complex associated to the element. (Inherited from LinearElement)
TraceID (Inherited from LinearElement)
UserData Gets/Sets the UserData of linear element (Inherited from LinearElement)
Vertices (Inherited from LineString3d)
Vertices2d (Inherited from LineString3d)
VerticesCount (Inherited from LineString3d)

See Also